There have been more than a few articles posted recently about the use of metronome training to improve regulation skills in children diagnosed with ADHD as well as Autism Spectrum Disorders.
I know that some of you may slyly say that some of this work comes from people who adhere to a sensory integration approach and I have blasted this approach as ridiculous and silly. My strong opinions against sensory integration come from my own experiences of it not working as well as NASP's article in the Communique indicating that there is not research to support it.
However this metronome device seems to be interesting, and there are some definite effects
I have not yet seen the "Interactive Metronome" device noted in this article, so I cannot comment on the specifics of this technique, to be honest with you. Yet it is something which is quite interesting and perhaps may touch upon certain narrow abilities. I can't seem to locate a particular ability per se, but this intervention may be targeting some aspects of Gs:R9, in which the speed of test taking is moderated by an internal rhythm. Clinically, I could recall dozens of times when music (especially slow rap rhythyms) appeared to calm and focus many children with various executive functioning issues.
I also was not able to find a direct link to this article, but did find the citation and abstract on PubMed - I was only able to get a hard copy. I should actually admit that I really didn't find it per se, but my upstate man Dave Cusick illuminated us folk downstate with the link - Dave thanks a lot for this.
Also if anyone else has interesting articles please email me or post up some comments. If you want to tout your own ideas about this or any other areas, go on ahead.......
Interesting. Readers should check out my blog where I've made a number of posts regarding the interactive metronome method and realted research.
Kevin McGrew
Kevin -
Very interesting posts on your blog. I think that I agree with you that we should look at all things with positive, healthy awe until we are proven otherwise.
I again encourage all of the readers to check out the Tuesday, January 24, 2006 posting on where Kevin has put up quite a few links to some of his other posts where he reviews some of the same research
The IM exercises are performed during therapy visits and are increasingly varied and extended so that most patients are able to perform better.
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