Monday, April 23, 2007

Further Work on Abnormal Face Processing in Children with Autism

Katarzyna Chawarska, Frederick Shic, Ami Klin and Fred Volkmar are due to present a paper at the International Meeting for Autism Research May 3-5 in Seattle, Washington. Their paper will focus on previous findings regarding face recongition in children with autism as well as new research as well.

  • Toddlers with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) often have difficulty focusing on people's faces and making eye contact, but these researchers found that these same toddlers do not have difficulty looking at photographs of faces.
  • They also found that toddlers with ASD spend most of the time examining the eyes. This is a surprising finding, given that avoiding eye contact is one of the classic hallmarks of autism.
  • The results suggest that pictures of faces and eyes are, by themselves, neither inherently unattractive nor inherently aversive to toddlers with ASD. Therefore, the limited attention to faces and eyes observed in natural settings may be due to the fact that faces don't stand out to them as much as other objects in the environment.
  • There also may be heightened arousal related to the complex social and perceptual context in which faces usually occur.
  • The study examined visual scanning patterns and recognition of faces and abstract patterns in toddlers. The data were collected through an eye-tracking system.
  • When given time to familiarize with a picture of a face, both groups spent more time looking at the outside features of the face, such as the hair, ears and the neck compared to the their typically developing peers.
  • The researchers postulated that toddlers with disabilities were having a harder time encoding information regarding facial identity because they were simply looking less at facial features, which are of greatest help in extracting this type of information.
  • Those toddlers with ASD who adopted a pattern of looking at faces which closely resembled the pattern of typical toddlers, were less socially impaired and were also better at face recognition
  • While typical and developmentally delayed toddlers move quickly between various inner elements of the face, scanning rapidly between the left and right eye, toddlers with ASD tend to look longer at specific facial features than other children, which might signify an idiosyncratic approach to face processing specific to ASD in early development.

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